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Saturday, 11 October 2014

Reasoning Quiz

19:50 - By Unknown 0

Reasoning Quiz

1. How many such pairs of letters are there in the word PROBATIONARY each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the English alphabet? 
(1) None   
(2) One  
(3) Two
(4) Three  
(5) More than three

2. Town P is towards East of town Q. Town B is towards North of town P. Town H is towards South of town P. Towards which direction is town H from town Q? 
(1) East  
(2) South-East 
(3) North-East 
(4) Data inadequate 
(5) None of these

3. In a certain code MORNING is written as SPNMFMH. How is SOULFUL written in that code? 
(5) None of these

4. lf ’+’ means ’÷’; ’-’ means ’X’; ’X’means ’+’ and ’ ÷’ means ’-’; then 7 – 6 X 15 ÷ 48 + 6 = ?
(1) 1.5  
(2) 139  
(3) 49
(4) 8/3  
(5) None of these

5. The positions of how many digits in the number 59164823 will remain unchanged after the digits are rearranged in descending order within the number? 
(1) None   
(2) One  
(3) Two
(4) Three  
(5) More than three

Directions (5-10): In each of the following questions two statements are given and these statements are followed by two conclusions numbered (1) and (2). You have to take the given two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer:

(1) If only (1) follows  
(2) If only (2) follows
(3) If either (1) or (2) follows 
(4) If neither (1) nor (2) follows 
(5) If both (1) and (2) follow

Statements:  All nut are shell.
No shell is bonus.  All bonus are dent.

5. Conclusions: 
1. All nut being dent is a possibility.
2. No nut is bonus.

6. Conclusions: 
1. At least some dent are shell.
2. No dent is shell.

Statements: Some Indian are Gujrati.
All Indian are Good.
All Good are Corrupt.

7. Conclusions: 
1. Some Corrupt are Indian.
2. Some Gujrati can never be Corrupt.

8. Conclusions: 
1. At least some Gujrati are Good.
2. At least some Corrupt are Gujrati.

Statements: Some banks are shops.
Some shops are markets.
All markets are junk.

9. Conclusions: 
1. No junk is a bank.
2. At least some junk are banks.

10. Conclusions: 
1. Some markets are banks
2. No junk being banks is a possibility.

Directions (11-14):  
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement.

Input : orange 59 apple 53 73 61 Banana chiku 67 mango

Step I : apple orange 59 53 61 Banana chiku 67 mango 73
Step II : Banana apple orange 59 53 61 chiku mango 73 67
Step III : chiku Banana apple orange 59 53 mango 73 67 61
Step IV : mango chiku Banana apple orange 53 73 67 61 59
Step V : orange mango chiku Banana apple 73 67 61 59 53

And step V is the last step of the arrangement. 

As per the above rule followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate step for the input given below;

Input : 53 enter tree 41 81 the cream into 47 action 87 59

11. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
(1) IV  
(2) V  
(3) VI
(4) VII  
(5) None of these

12. Which Step number would be the following output?

Into  enter  cream action  tree 41 the  47  87  81  59  53

(1) III  
(2) II  
(3) VII
(4) IV  
(5) There will be no such step

13. Which of the following would be the step I?
(1) action 53 cream tree 41 the into 47 59 87 81
(2) action cream 41 tree 53 the into 59 87 81 47
(3) action 53 enter tree 41 81 the cream into 47 87 59
(4) action 53 enter tree 81 41 cream into 59 47 87
(5) None of these

14. In step V, which of the following word/number would be on the 6th position (from the right)?
(1) 87  
(2) 41   
(3) 47
(4) tree   
(5) action

1. (4) The pairs are BA, ON & ONAR. So two pairs.

2. (2)
P is towards the east of Q and H is towards south of P. Hence H is towards south-east of Q.

3. (1)

4. (3)
? = 7 – 6 X 15 ÷ 48 + 6
= 7 X 6 + 15 ¬– 48 ÷ 6 = 49

5. (3)
So position of only 4 and 2 will remain unchanged.

Solutions (6-10)
For 5-6

5. (5)  
6. (3)

For (7-8)

7. (1)  
8. (5)

For (9-10)

9. (3)  
10. (2)

Solutions (11-13)
Input : 53 enter tree 41 81 the cream into 47 action 87 59
Step I : action 53 enter tree 41 81 the cream into 47 59 87
Step II : cream action 53 enter tree 41 the into 47 59 87 81
Step III : enter cream action 53 tree 41 the into 47 87 81 59
Step IV: into enter cream action tree 41 the 47 87 81 59 53
Step V : the into enter cream action tree 41 87 81 59 53 47
Step VI : tree the into enter cream action 87 81 59 53 47 41

11. (3)  
12. (4) 
13. (5) 
14. (2)


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