Today's (11 oct -14) IBPS PO-IV Morning shift Question
(1) Music director of mile sur mera tumhara Ashok Patki
(2) ADR - American Depositary Receipt
(3) BKS Iyenger got which award - Padham Bhushan
(4) Unclaimed PPF cmtee- HR Khan
(5) currency of spain - Euro
(6) pahla kadam pahli udan-sbi minor account
(7) capital of arunachal- Etanagar
(8) who is donald dusk
(9) father of atomic Bomb- j.Robert Oppenheimer
(10) Pm want to build which city like Kyoto
(11) Vijaya mallya defaulter for which firm of his
(12) David tusk pm of
(13) Curtain raisers written by
(14) Serena Williams associated with
(15) Rupay card launched by
(16) NPA time limit?
(17) Swach bharat yojna
(18) LAF FULL Form.
(19) What is s stand for in RTGS.
(20) Japapn koyoto and varanasi related.
(21) International bank of india?
(22) KYC?
(23) NPCHE full form.
(24) How many languages are written in a note,
(25) Atm card and memory card difference.
(26) E commerce?
(27) saving bank intrst decided by
(28) in rtgs wat s means
(29) bob tagline
(30) smart city going to devopld by japan
(31) jandhan schme releated to
(32) Which freedom fighter was killed during protest of Simon Commission?
(33) monetory policy includes?
(1) Music director of mile sur mera tumhara Ashok Patki
(2) ADR - American Depositary Receipt
(3) BKS Iyenger got which award - Padham Bhushan
(4) Unclaimed PPF cmtee- HR Khan
(5) currency of spain - Euro
(6) pahla kadam pahli udan-sbi minor account
(7) capital of arunachal- Etanagar
(8) who is donald dusk
(9) father of atomic Bomb- j.Robert Oppenheimer
(10) Pm want to build which city like Kyoto
(11) Vijaya mallya defaulter for which firm of his
(12) David tusk pm of
(13) Curtain raisers written by
(14) Serena Williams associated with
(15) Rupay card launched by
(16) NPA time limit?
(17) Swach bharat yojna
(18) LAF FULL Form.
(19) What is s stand for in RTGS.
(20) Japapn koyoto and varanasi related.
(21) International bank of india?
(22) KYC?
(23) NPCHE full form.
(24) How many languages are written in a note,
(25) Atm card and memory card difference.
(26) E commerce?
(27) saving bank intrst decided by
(28) in rtgs wat s means
(29) bob tagline
(30) smart city going to devopld by japan
(31) jandhan schme releated to
(32) Which freedom fighter was killed during protest of Simon Commission?
(33) monetory policy includes?